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Strengthen your bond with fun games and activities


This guide should have laid down the foundation of a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. Your guinea pig cherishes her time with you because she never was put into a situation too big and scary for her to handle. The next things you can do to strengthen your bond with her is start to show her that you are fun and caring. Below are a few ideas for bonding:


Follow Me

Teaching your guinea pig to follow you can be very fun. Start outside of the cage and walk from one end to another. If your guinea pig follows you, offer her a treat. When she's good at that, take her to her usual floortime area. When you notice her coming near you, surprise her with a treat. Next, take one or two steps and wait for her to follow. Give her a treat for doing so. Build up the distance slowly. Soon, she'll be following you on her own accord.

Introducing new things to her world

Exposing an animal to novel things in a safe manner promotes a healthy mind and boosts confidence. Guinea pigs are no exception. Introduce them to new treats, areas to explore, and change up what's in their cage. Show them that their world is fun, full of exciting things, and, most of all, safe.

Trick training

Teaching your pet to do tricks with you teaches your pet to work with you to accomplish the same goals. Trick training is great mental stimulation for your guinea pig. It also sharpens up your own animal training abilities. 

Building toys and obstacles

Challenge your guinea pig's mind and body by making or recycling toys and obstacles. Use toilet paper rolls for them to chew on and give them boxes to investigate. You can also build or buy obstacles for them to learn.

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