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The three rules for every interaction with your cavy


Whatever rules you abide by in regards to interacting her are like the laws of nature for her world. Will you give her an unpredictable world that feels unsafe at times or will you give her a world that is fair and where she can grow confident enough to trust you?


1. Do not force your guinea pig into situations that make her feel uncomfortable

The use of force includes pushing, pulling, grabbing, and carrying her into situations too advanced for her level of trust and bonding. Bribing with a food lure out of a hidey also counts as force. Let her choose when and how to approach new stimuli. Teach her that she controls her environment.


2. Allow your guinea pig to be able to escape from any interaction if she chooses to

If your guinea pig decides suddenly that being touched is too scary, then let her run and hide. Think of her hiding places as a security blanket. Learn the signs of stress and, when you see them, remove her from the scary situations. You are teaching her that you will always listen to her.


3. Do not bother your guinea pig if she is in one of her hiding places or take away her hiding places

Once she hides, don't try to touch her or pet her. Don't pick up her hidies from above her in order to interact with her. Don't take away her hidies so she can't run into them. Make sure she always has a place to escape to. If you try to touch her or take her hiding places, she'll learn that her hiding places are not safe places. Following this rule teaches her that her hiding places are truly safe.


Some considerations before you begin


Remember to keep your expectations realistic. Don't go around thinking that you can go and pick up your guinea pig and smother her with kisses or pet her over and over again. It is a very human desire to want to touch and hug and kiss and hold those we love. It is not natural for guinea pigs to do this, and it is up to you to teach your cavy that you are a fun and benevolent friend who respects her instincts, opinions, and needs--even if those needs don't align with your wants all the time!


I've tried to include fulfilling ways to interact with your guinea pig at every level of your taming and bonding process; however, you can get the most out of this guide if you follow the instructions and advance at your guinea pig's pace.


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